"Vicious Race of Carnage: The Repeating Nightmare of Lizard Transformation"

Warning: Weirdly Violent Nightmare!!! Last night I had the weirdest spooky dream where I was sent with a bunch of other people to a pool to attend a race where the faster runners in the subsequent rounds got metal pipes and hot wires to beat up and slice the slower runners. And then at the end the remaining survivors who didn’t get the metal pipes were sent into a sauna to be eaten by people who transformed into lizards. And then we’d all be revived and it’d keep repeating, like at least 3 times. 💀 I knew I was dreaming by the time the lizard people showed up for the first time, but I couldn’t figure out how to stop the dream until like the very end where my team gave up on running, I managed to eavesdrop on the other team to get their strategy, and then regardless, materialize a hand gun out of thin air to end it all. Very weird and anticlimactic tbh.
Dreams can often be manifestations of our fears, anxieties, and subconscious thoughts. In this particular dream, it seems to be a representation of feeling trapped and powerless in a potentially dangerous situation. The concept of a race where the slower runners are violently attacked by the faster runners could symbolize a sense of competition and fear of being left behind or not measuring up to others' expectations.
The transformation of people into lizards may symbolize a fear of deceit or betrayal, as well as a feeling of being devoured or taken advantage of by others. The recurring nature of the dream suggests a feeling of being stuck or unable to escape from these harmful situations.
Your realization that you were dreaming but being unable to control or stop the dream until the end could reflect a sense of helplessness or lack of control in waking life. The fact that you had to resort to unconventional means, like eavesdropping and materializing a handgun, to finally end the dream could suggest a desire for empowerment and a need to take control of your own circumstances.
Overall, this dream may be a reflection of feelings of vulnerability, powerlessness, and the need for assertiveness in the face of challenging situations. It could be helpful to reflect on any current or recurring situations in your waking life that may be triggering these fears and anxieties.